Committees & Auxiliaries

Our Temple stays vibrant and alive through its Committees. Serving on a committee requires no special expertise other than a willingness to try. Meet people, participate in a rewarding experience and help forge the future of our Temple by joining one of our outstanding Committees. See below for our active committees and their respective contacts. To learn more about Committee involvement, please reach out to the corresponding Committee contact or call the Temple at (757)625-4295.

Sisterhood & Men’s Club

Sisterhood President
Andrea Trank

Men’s Club President
Chris Morrissey

Finance & Development Committee

Steve Kocen, Chair

House Committee

Michael Nusbaum, Chair

Security and Special Needs

David Jarvis, Chair

Engagement Committee

Carol Roth Brum, Chair

Jackie Haywood & Christina Verderosa

Marilyn Johns & Dorianne Villani

Military Support & Outreach
Frank Campion

Shalom Greeters
Nili Belkin

Soup Kitchen 
Dorianne Villani

Education Committee

Deb Higgins, Chair

Religious School
Tammi Foer

Adult Education
Barb Gelb

Torah Study
David Metzger

Margaret Sawyer

David Titus

Gail Bachman


Jay Lazier, Chair

Worship Committee

Jay Lazier, Chair

Music Committee & CHoir

Chuck Woodward, Chair