OST family, friends, prospective members, and the community will come together to celebrate a new membership and programmatic year and the prelude to the High Holy Day season.
The preneg gives everyone an opportunity to have a little nosh, schmooze, see long time friends and meet new ones.
Services will be family friendly. As a nod to Selichot and the upcoming High Holy Day season, we’ll be changing the torah covers to white in a moving participatory service.
Dinner is a joyful time to unwind in the beauty of Shabbat, enjoy a wonderful meal, and revel in community.

Join us for a three-part series to learn about fellow congregants’ stories of their Journeys to Judaism. There are many ways to express our faith and live our Jewish lives. On these Shabbatot, you will have the opportunity to hear different expressions of individual and family commitments.
All services are at 6:30 pm
September 20:
Eric Helms
September 27:
Caryn Hollander
October 4:
Julia Wallace
“Zichronam Livracha”
May the memories of our departed loved ones be a blessing.
We invite you to inscribe the names of family and friends in the Book of Remembrance as a tangible acknowledgement of love for those who have passed away but are not forgotten.
Order deadline is September 11.
Your safety and security are our top priority. Each individual adult MUST present a valid ticket to enter services. Bags may be subject to search.
Parking attendants, uniformed police, and ushers are all part of our effort to keep you safe. They will be located throughout the property. Your cooperation with their requests is greatly appreciated.
We invite you to be a valued volunteer and contribute to the meaningful High Holiday experience at Ohef Sholom! We are seeking ushers to assist during the services, ensuring a smooth and welcoming atmosphere for our congregation.
There is a training for High Holy Day Ushers on
Sunday, September 22 at 12:00 noon.


A collection box is located in the front lobby.
Wednesday, October 2
Erev Rosh HaShanah
7:00 pm Evening Service*
Thursday, October 3
Rosh HaShanah
9:00 am Family Service
10:30 am Morning Service**
Friday, October 11
Kol Nidre
7:00 pm Evening Service*
Saturday, October 12
Yom Kippur
9:00 am Family Service
10:30 am Morning Service**
12:45 pm Study Session #1: David Metzger (in person and via Zoom)
“Make Your Souls Responsive!”: Hasidic Wisdom for the High Holy Days
1:45 pm Private meditation before Sanctuary Ark
1:50 pm Study Session #2: Kathryn Morton (in person and via Zoom)
Sulam to Shalom: The Ladder from Antiquity To Today:
Climbing the Rungs of Yom Kippur
3:00 pm Afternoon Service
Jay Lazier will chant from the book of Jonah
Sandy Forte-Nickenig will deliver the D’var
4:00 pm Musical Interlude
4:15 pm Memorial & Concluding Services
Congregational Break Fast immediately follows
*babysitting available
**babysitting & children’s programming available

Join us at the conclusion of Yom Kippur services for a congregational break the fast. We’ll be offering bagels, lox and fixings, salads, desserts and drinks.
High Holy Day tickets are required for evening and morning services. Tickets are included in OST membership (note Friends of OST do not receive tickets). Tickets will be mailed on September 16 to all members in goodstanding (those who are current with their financial commitments or made a payment plan). Tickets are not transferable. They are an important part of our security protocol and allows us to safely welcome those joining us.
Children of members up to age 25 may enter with their parents (parents should contact the office to get tickets for their children 18-25). All individuals age 26 and older must arrange for a ticket. Young adults under the age of 30 can receive a free membership.
College/graduate students, active military, students in OST’s conversion program, members of other synagogues are entitled to complimentary tickets. Please contact the office to arrange for your ticket.
Members who are traveling out of town for the holidays and need tickets to attend services at another synagogue should contact the office so we can request reciprocal tickets on your behalf.
Please order tickets no later than September 14.
Celebrate the High Holidays with our joyful interactive Family Services filled with stories, songs, and fun activities. Open to the community. Enjoyed by individuals 0-99.
Rosh Hashanah Family Service
9:00 am Thursday, October 3.
Yom Kippur Family Service
9:00 am Saturday, October 12
Babysiting is available for ages 0-3 (both evening and morning) and engaging programs for ages 4+ (morning only). Parents must have a ticket in order to utilize our Babysitting/Children’s Programming. Advance registration is required. Babysitting during Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre services is $5/child per service. Both babysitting and children’s programming are free during morning services.
Rosh Hashanah
7:00 pm Evening Service (Wednesday, October 2)
10:30 am Morning Service (Thursday, October 3)
Yom Kippur
7:00 pm Evening Service (Friday, October 11)
10:30 am Morning Service (Saturday, October 12)
RSVP by September 30 to secure your spot.
The OST lot will be available primarily for those with handicap tags and mobility issues. Parking is available first come first served. Parking attendants will be posted at the OST lot to direct traffic.
Limited parking will be available at Ghent United Methodist Church and First Presbyterian Church for evening and weekend services. Please do NOT use either church lot on Rosh Hashanah morning.
Additional parking is available on Forman Field (Stockley Garden and Redgate) as well as surrounding streets.
High Holiday Food Drive
Participate in an act of Tikkun Olam this High Holiday season! OSTY/JOSTY will be conducting their annual food drive in collaboration with Jewish Family Services Community Food Pantry and our own OST Soup Kitchen.
During Rosh Hashanah services, pick up a bag provided by the temple, and on Yom Kippur, return the bag filled with nonperishable food items. For safety reasons, please avoid glass containers.
Let’s make a difference together!
As we commemorate the ancient Israelites’ sheltering in temporary dwellings, we invite you to experience the spirit of Sukkot at OST. In the sukkah, share a meal, engage in learning, revel in community, and forge new friendships.
Thursday, October 17
Office closed in observance of Sukkot
Friday, October 18
Shabbat/Sukkot Service 6:30 pm followed by an Oneg in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 20
OSTY Pizza in the Hut 12:00 noon
Monday, October 21
Lunch & Learn in the Sukkah 12:00 noon
Wednesday, October 23
Shake It in the Sukkah celebration hosted by Men’s Club & Sisterhood 6:00 pm
Shabbat/Simchat Torah Service
Friday, October 25, 6:30 pm
Come celebrate Simchat Torah with us at Ohef Sholom Temple! Experience the joy and unity as we dance, sing, and embrace the Torah. Join our vibrant community and create unforgettable memories together. Don’t miss out on this joyous celebration of our shared heritage.