Temple Library Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
The Religious School Library for students
is open any time Sunday school is in session.
For more information or to schedule an appointment after hours, contact David Titus at library@ohefsholom.org or call 757-625-4295.
OST Library
The Ohef Sholom Temple Library is a center of community life at OST, offering opportunities for people of all ages to learn, know, gather and grow. The library is a dependable source of reliable information and of challenging ideas that enlighten and enrich, and of materials in many formats that enhance leisure time and expand knowledge of Judaism, Jewish history and thought. The library encourages the love of reading and the joy of learning, with a Jewish perspective in mind, and offers the assistance people need to find, evaluate, and use electronic and print information resources that help them live successful and rewarding Jewish lives. All members of OST are well served with the recent separation of children’s resources from adult resources, so that each can focus more narrowly on their respective constituent’s needs.
The Ohef Sholom Temple Library was established in 1965 primarily as a service to the Temple membership and the Religious School. It also serves members of other congregations, teachers and students of area schools and colleges, and the Hampton Roads community at large. The collection contains over 5,000 volumes, making it the largest Judaic book collection in Hampton Roads. It has been designated the official Judaic Resource Library for the Hampton Roads area by the Norfolk Public Library and has been the recipient of the Award of Merit from the Jewish Book Council of America.
OST Archives
The Archives of Ohef Sholom Temple was created to collect and preserve records of enduring value that document the rich history and traditions of this historic congregation and the Jewish community of Tidewater Virginia. Holdings include the records and artifacts of the Temple and congregation, as well as a wide range of manuscript materials; artifacts; and audio and visual materials, including photographs and oral history recordings. The Archives surveys, inventories, and processes these records and makes them available to members of the congregation, educators, and authorized researchers. Through its historical records and collections, the Archives strives to keep faith with those who have gone before and to inform current generations and generations to come.
The Archives contains over 2,500 written records, artifacts, manuscript collections, and audio and visual materials. In 1994, Ohef Sholom Temple commemorated its 150th anniversary by producing a short historical documentary and companion booklet to tell the story of our first 150 years. The Archives’ collections made a significant contribution to that effort.
The Archives welcomes cooperation with other synagogues and religious organizations, as well as educational and cultural institutions with corresponding goals and/or areas of interest.
Partial funding for the Ohef Sholom Temple Library & Archives online catalog is made possible by a grant from the George & Mollie Radin Archives Trust Fund.

Archives Hours
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Archives can be made available by appointment as well.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Alice Titus at archives@ohefsholom.org or 757-625-4295.